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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Meijer Group 100th Year Anniversary

Meijer Group 100th Year Anniversary

Last Friday (July 1) we celebrated Meijer’s 100th anniversary with many guests and staff. A fantastic day where Hendrik and Jenny gave a nice presentation about the origins of Meijer and the Meijer Group today. It is impressive how a family business, despite setbacks, has continued through the years into two successful companies, Meijer-Metal and Meijer Handling Solutions.

Last Saturday (July 2) we again had a wonderful second party day. The anniversary party has ended with the staff, family, friends, local residents and interested parties. Meijer is not only one of the largest employers in the area, but also fulfills a major social role as a sponsor for various associations and activities in the area.

As Meijer Group, we can look back on some fantastic days and as the Meijer-Group we would like to thank everyone who contributed to this memorable anniversary.

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