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Discover the applications where telescopic forks can be utilized within your business

With the KOOI® Next program the forklift can be used even more efficiently. The handling speed can be increased, damage to goods, pallets and racks can be reduced and safety can also be improved. Many companies use temporary workers and under time pressure it becomes more difficult to provide the forklift driver with adequate training. The KOOI® Next program is an excellent tool to provide the driver with that information, so that he quickly becomes familiar with the forklift.

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The KOOI® Next program enhances forklift efficiency by increasing handling speed, reducing damage to goods, pallets, and racks, and improving safety. Many companies rely on temporary workers, making it challenging to adequately train forklift drivers under time constraints. The KOOI® Next program is an excellent resource to quickly familiarize drivers with the forklift, providing them with the necessary information.

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