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Meijer Group at Techniek Tastbaar

Meijer Group at Techniek Tastbaar


Techniek Tastbaar event

This year it was finally time again, the “Techniek Tastbaar” (means Mechanism and Tangible) event at “Aeres” VMBO school in Leeuwarden, started again! Our HR officers Linda and Boukje were again present with our own stand to inform young students between 10 and 16 years old about the possibilities within the metal industry.

The Meijer-Group is always in the need for professionals such as welders, press brake operator, CNC turners/millers, programmers for ERP and AGV applications.

The students had to put together separate parts (lasered by Meijer-Metal) on the basis of an assembly drawing. All construction kits, a fork lift,  where put together in no time, so talents enough.

The next event is 09/30/2022 in Franeker at the AMS-school. Here aswell, we as the Meijer-Group will be present again!

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