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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal.

Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal.


Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal.

We are pleased to announce our expansion and strategic cooperation in the Iberian region, with our long-term partner KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions.

In addition to our mobile weighing systems in Spain and Portugal, we will now be able to provide customers with KOOI® Products, which include hydraulic telescopic forks. Broadening our portfolio within this region means we can provide customers more benefits, services and products than before.

Since we have a long history of successful cooperation with KOOI®-Meijer Handling Solutions, we are proud to be able to serve the Iberian market with hydraulic telescopic forks in a professional way.

For more information : www.griptech.eu

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