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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions


The new custom made paint installation for the KOOI-REACHFORKS will be put into operation within a few weeks. We say goodbye to the current installation because it can no longer meet the capacity that we need in the near future.

The new installation is considerably more efficient and, not unimportantly, environmentally friendlier. The new cabin is part of a master plan to optimize the production of the KOOI-REACHFORKS and to guarantee the capacity and quality for the future. In September 2017, the new production hall for the KOOI-REACHFORKS was started and the production machines were moved from the old hall to the new hall last August. Our new spray booth now stands proudly on the spot where the old deep-drilling machines were. The time-lapse video gives an impression of the building process.


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