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Manual extendable KOOI®-Forks at Dutch forklift drivers contest
This year the NKIT was represented with our Manual Extendable Forks. These forks, which has to be extended by hand , were used in a challenge where two pallets had to be transported and manoeuvred in a delimited space in the best possible time.

The NKIT promotes professionalism among drivers . This involves a combination of safety and productivity. The winner will not be the fastest driver , but the one who makes the least mistakes. This year the event was hosted at the beer brewer Bavaria located in Lieshout. A small village, located in the Netherlands.

The manual KOOI-REACHFORKS® are very popular within the beverage especially U.S. beer distributors are realizing their value in the form of costs advantage.

Meijer Handling Solutions has launched the mechanical KOOI-Forks first in the USA on the request of an Scandinavian furniture retailer. This may seem a strange choice, considering that their home base is in Europe, but sometimes the handling is slightly different at other continents for the same products.


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