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New model of telescopic fork for tighter turning circle

New model of telescopic fork for tighter turning circle


Meijer Handling Solutions has just launched a new model of telescopic fork that is ideally suited for warehouse reach trucks so that they can be used to stack pallets two deep.

The new TFG2 line’s forks can be retracted and extended an additional 50 mm. In some situations, the forklift truck’s turning circle is of crucial importance. The shorter the forks, the tighter the turning circle. Moreover, the tighter the turning circle, the more room there is for storage. The new TFG line is currently available in a single version with a load-bearing capacity of 3,000 kg (6,600 lbs) and a load centre at 600 mm (24″).

Specifications about Telescopic Fork for Tighter Turning Circles


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