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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Combi-CS with KOOI®-REACHFORKS + KOOI®ReachControl

Combi-CS with KOOI®-REACHFORKS + KOOI®ReachControl

We are proud to see that the official Combilift dealer in China, Vita-Wheel, has mounted it’s first KOOI®-ReachControl system on the Combilift-CS model. The Combi-CS is a forklift that is suitable for handling pallets in narrow aisles. In combination with the KOOI®ReachForks, the aisle can be made even smaller by entering the pallet with retracted forks and only then extending the forks for a sufficient pallet support. All kinds of variations in length can be chosen by pre-sets using the KOOI®ReachControl as shown on the pictures and less damage will be caused as the forks cannot protrude behind the load.

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