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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
An international client was in search of exceptional height capacity…

An international client was in search of exceptional height capacity for their specialised Double Deep Racking system.

With the Crown ESR Series Reach Truck, Crown New Zealand provided the solution to boost operator efficiency.

Crown double-deep ReachTrucks with telescopic forks gives 30% more pallet storage compared to traditional pallet storage, with relatively low capital expenditures.

Meijer Handling Solutions has introduced a range of KOOI® Hudraulic Forks for narrow aisle forklifts that are ideal for double-deep pallet storage. Perfectly for methods like double deep racking. This so called Single-Range is unique because each tine has its own cylinder, meaning that KOOI® ReachForks can be extended and retracted as fast as pantographs. As mentioned above our KOOI® Double deep stacking increases warehouse capacity by up to 30% compared to “Single-deep” warehouse opreations. Because our KOOI® Telescopic Forks can reach almost twice as far as normal forks the warehouse racking at each side of the aisle can be doubled.


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