With Very Narrow Aisle Forklift + KOOI® ReachForks you can save up to 40% extra space in your warehouses.
Very Narrow Aisle ForkLift + KOOI® ReachForks = 40% extra space. Very narrow aisle (VNA) forklifts are forklifts on which the cab moves up and down with the forks, allowing the operator a clear view when putting pallets in or taking them out of the warehouse racking at heights of almost 20 metres. These impressive and expensive forklift trucks are used in warehouses where increased storage capacity and better space utilisation are required.
Efficiency in this type of warehouse can be significantly improved if the VNA forklift is equipped with KOOI® ReachForks and the pallets are stored double-deep. This storage method can easily save 40% in aisle space, thus maximising the pallet storage capacity of your warehouse.
You will of course need to consult your forklift supplier to calculate the residual load capacity of the forklift given that the load would be twice the usual distance from the fulcrum. Often the loads handled by this type of forklift are not very heavy, so it is worth looking into the possibilities. After all, you wouldn’t want to miss out on a potential 40% increase in warehouse space.