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case studies

Our case studies

Euro-Pallet Handling

European Distribution Centre Roosendaal (EDCR) chooses compact height

The company European Distribution Centre Roosendaal (EDCR) is going to stock its products upwards.To stay flexible, the company chose for the reachtruck. With this truck the company can stock loads…

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Installation of new machining centre completed

Due to the continued demand for their KOOI-REACHFORKS® and successful launch of the innovative RollerForks®, MSE-Forks has completed the installation of a new machining centre in March of this year.…

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COOP Switzerland improves internal logistics considerably

Source: Fördertechnik 7-8/2003, mr. Otmar Feurstein, chef editor. Who does not want to lift 2 pallets at the same time in order to double loading and unloading capacity? By using…

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Meijer Special Equipment member of the MHIA

January 2003, We are very pleased to announce that MSE-FORKS has become a member of the “Material Handling Industry of America”. MATERIAL HANDLING INDUSTRY OF AMERICA (MHIA) is the leading…

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Lansing Linde specifies KOOI-REACHFORKS®

Lansing Linde Ltd is a subsidiary of the world leading German based Linde Group, who are the largest manufacturer of materials handling equipment in the world. The ultra modern Basingstoke…

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