We are proud to present our new website to you. While not all functionalities are fully operational yet, and some pages may not be completely filled out or all clickable links may not be working, we hope you can still find the information you are looking for. If not, please feel free to email us at info@meijer-group.com.
Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Dear Valued Customers…

Dear Valued Customers…

Thanks for your continued support and commitment, we would like to inform you about our vacation leave. For the next three weeks, 7-25 August, we will temporarily close our doors for a much needed period of maintenance and the installation of new machines.

This decision was made to ensure that we can deliver our products and services even better in the future and provide you with an even better experience. During this period, the office will have a minimum occupancy to ensure essential tasks and communication.


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