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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Narrow-pallet fork positioner

Narrow-pallet fork positioner

Narrow-pallet fork positioner

Griptech GmbH – the German manufacture of forklift attachments and Meijer Handling Solutions’ importer in France, Germany and the Netherlands – has developed a fork positioner that can be used for loading and unloading narrow loads, e.g. into or out of containers.

The German Shift2End concept allows both forks to be moved together and as a pair traversed to the left or right. Standard fork adjustment, i.e. inwards from the outside edges, is also possible. Fitting the fork adjuster with KOOI-REACHFORKS® allows not only varying load widths to be handled, but also varying load lengths/depths.

For more information, please contact Griptech GmbH.


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