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Handling tires with the use of RollerForks®

Handling tires with the use of RollerForks® Anyone who works with rolling material daily, choose logically for a rolling solution, as well. Logistics Service Provider BT Trans of Arnhem (The...

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RollerForks® handling frozen meat

RollerForks® handling frozen meat Cold store Lau van Haren loads their containers in a fast way without any damage with three RollerForks®. Because there is no more expensive manual work...

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MSE-Forks introduces a new range of telescopic forks

MSE-Forks introduces a new range of telescopic forks In early 2010, MSE-Forks will be launching its new range of telescopic forks. Improvements principally involve their outer sleeves. A unique design...

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Heavy duty Mast Height Extension Adapter increases lift height

Heavy duty Mast Height Extension Adapter increases lift height In February 2014, Meijer Handling Solutions introduced a new line of patented Mast Height Extension attachments. This unique range of equipment...

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Cocam coffee deletes pallets using RollerForks®

Cocam coffee deletes pallets using RollerForks® During the last 35 years Cocam has been producing soluble coffees appreciated in over 25 countries, offering a complete product line to cater the...

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Slip sheets vs. Pallets

Slip sheets vs. Pallets Slip sheets are thin pallet-sized sheets made of plastic, heavy laminated kraft paperboard, or corrugated fiberboard used in commercial shipping. Often, these replace the use of...

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RollerForks® used at DSV

RollerForks® used at DSV Unloading cargo from a container mostly demands a lot of manual labour. For the discharging of heavy equipment DSV in Moerdijk has ‘discovered’ RollerForks. Manual labour...

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Rolling through tough times

Rolling through tough times In an effort to fight the effects of rising fuel costs and a struggling economy, many US companies are going “green” by eliminating pallets and using...

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Handling “Inter IKEA Systems B.V.” OptiLedge

Handling “Inter IKEA Systems B.V.” OptiLedge Meijer Handling Solutions responded to the launch of the OptilLedge by developing narrow, special-purpose RollerForks® for quick and efficient unloading of packaged goods from containers....

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Mast Height Extensions add extra lift to existing forklifts!

Mast Height Extensions add extra lift to existing forklifts! As a warehouse manager, you are always looking for the most efficient way to use available storage space. Especially, now the...

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Small pallets, small hydraulic forks. New 40 mm thick telescopic forks!

Small pallets, small hydraulic forks. New 40 mm thick telescopic forks! Meijer Handling Solutions has introduced a new telescopic forkmodel for pallets with a limited pallet insert opening. The newest...

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Slip sheet handling saves millions

Slip sheet handling saves millions Do you know the definition of a pallet? Wikipedia provides the following definition: A pallet is a transport unit. It is a wooden or plastic...

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