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Meijer Group at Techniek Tastbaar

Meijer Group at Techniek Tastbaar Techniek Tastbaar event This year it was finally time again, the “Techniek Tastbaar” (means Mechanism and Tangible) event at “Aeres” VMBO school in Leeuwarden, started...

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Cross-docking : How to deal with the different pallet dimensions?

Cross-docking : How to deal with the different pallet dimensions? Cross-docking When the goods are unloaded from the incoming trailer and placed directly in the departing trailer, we call it...

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A brand new Canteen at Meijer-Group HQ

A brand new canteen at Meijer-Group HQ We are delighted to announce that a brand new canteen is coming to Meijer-Group HQ! Meijer-Group is mainly known for producing its market...

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KOOI®ReachForks on Instagram

KOOI®ReachForks on Instagram KOOI® ReachForks for updates on Instagarm We are pleased to inform you that we have now also opened an Instagram account under the name: Kooireachforks. We will...

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The brand new canteen is finished!

The brand new canteen is finished! After months of renovating, our canteen is finally done! Yesterday was the official opening of our canteen for our employees. Cake and coffee was...

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Milling Machine

Milling Machine As a market leader for the production of KOOI® Reachforks, we want to be known as the specialist. We see the strangest requests passing by and our engineers...

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Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal.

Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal. Expanded Griptech and KOOI® Meijer Handling Solutions partnership in Spain and Portugal. We are pleased to announce our...

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Wireless KOOI® Deflection System-Reduces damage to pallets and goods

Wireless KOOI® Deflection System-Reduces damage to pallets and goods Damage prevention In the field of damage prevention to pallets and goods, Meijer Handling Solutions has developed a sensor that displays the horizontal...

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More than seven hundred thousand Euros after reacing the Mont Ventoux summit!

More than seven hundred thousand Euros raised after reaching the Mont Ventoux summit! Over €700.000,- raised for charity! Last year Meijer employees, partners and friends braved the mythical mountain MONT...

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Girls’Day 2021: A beautiful film shows the possibilities within the Meijer Group for the women of the future.

Girls’Day 2021: A beautiful film shows the possibilities within the Meijer Group for the women of the future. When you see these images, you would think that we have gone...

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Meijer (KOOI®) is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.

Meijer (KOOI®) is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.  11-01-2021 #fancy-title-796 {font-family: "Open Sans"} Meijer started in 1921 as a one-man business. Like many companies at the time, the company...

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Cascade Australia becomes an exclusive distributor of KOOI products

Cascade Australia becomes an exclusive distributor of KOOI® products Cascade Corporation and Meijer Handling Solutions B.V., following the success of the Cascade-KOOI joint venture in North America and the distribution...

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