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KOOI-REACHFORKS® Troubleshooting FAQ

Oil Leak between Cylinder Head and Piston Rod**
**Possible Causes**:
– Bent piston rod
– Scratched/damaged piston rod
– Leaking piston seal
– Replace piston rod and cylinder head if bent.
– Replace cylinder head if piston seal is leaking.

#### 2. **Oil Leak between Cylinder Head and Fork Blade**
**Possible Cause**:
– Leaking O-Ring
– Replace cylinder head.

#### 3. **Oil Leak at Connector**
**Possible Causes**:
– Leaking copper ring
– Loose connector
– Replace copper ring.
– Tighten connector.

#### 4. **Forks Leaking Oil**
**Possible Cause**:
– One or both KOOI-REACHFORKS® are cracked.
– Remove KOOI-REACHFORKS® from the carriage immediately and contact the supplier.

#### 5. **Forks Moving Unevenly (More than 4%)**
**Possible Causes**:
– A piston seal is leaking.
– The hydraulic hoses are wrongly connected.
– The length of the piston rods is unequal.
– Flow of hydraulic oil is not between 8-25 L/min.
– Dirt in the sleeve(s).
– Flow divider is damaged.
– Replace the piston with the leaking seal.
– Connect the hoses as indicated in the assembly chapter.
– Install piston rods of equal length.
– Contact your supplier to ensure proper hydraulic oil flow.
– Dismantle sleeve and remove dirt.
– Replace flow divider.

#### 6. **One or Both Sleeves Move Without Being Operated**
**Possible Causes**:
– The control valve is leaking.
– There is air in the hydraulic system.
– A piston seal is leaking.
– Inform your forklift supplier to fix the control valve.
– Bleed the hydraulic system.
– Replace the piston with the leaking seal.

#### 7. **One Sleeve Remains Stationary During Retraction then Suddenly Retracts Quickly**
**Possible Cause**:
– Clamping bush(es) broken.
– Replace the clamping bush(es).

#### 8. **One of the Sleeves Fails to Retract**
**Possible Causes**:
– Difference in length between the sleeves.
– Loose piston.
– Contact your supplier to check and fix the stroke length difference.
– Dismantle outer fork, remove hydraulic set from fork and tighten piston to 70 Nm.

#### 9. **Difference in Height Between Forks**
**Possible Causes**:
– One of the KOOI-REACHFORKS® has been permanently deformed as a result of overloading.
– One of the KOOI-REACHFORKS® is not hanging on the carriage plate.
– Carriage plate is not completely horizontal.
– The forks do not match (forks belong to different sets).
– Wear strips on one KOOI-REACHFORK® are more worn than the other.
– Remove KOOI-REACHFORKS® from the carriage immediately and contact the supplier.
– Hang the KOOI-REACHFORK® properly onto the carriage plate and check the locking mechanism.
– Contact your forklift truck supplier to ensure the carriage plate is horizontal.
– Check the serial numbers to confirm that the forks belong to the same set.
– Replace worn wear strips.

#### 10. **Excessive Play Between Fork Blade and Sleeve**
**Possible Causes**:
– Wear strips worn out.
– Sleeves worn out.
– Replace wear strips.
– Replace sleeves.

These solutions are derived from the troubleshooting section of the KOOI-REACHFORKS® instruction manual【7†source】. For further details, refer to the specific sections in the manual.

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