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Manual reachforks

Manual extendable forklift forks

Manual extendable forks stay on the forklift truck permanently, saving time, space and money compared to traditional fork extensions (outersleeves). This mechanical option is lower in cost than the hydraulic fork which makes it ideal for low usage application. This is some temporary lorem ipsum text for now.

The manner of adjusting the outer sleeve is highly innovative. It simply involves moving a pin (which also serves as a grease nipple) sideways, causing the locker to be retracted. As soon as the locker is disengaged, the outer sleeve can be moved using the other hand until the locker engages again at the different length. This is some short and temporary lorem ipsum text for now.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae nulla orci. Sed augue nisl, mattis at posuere at, eleifend a diam. Ut congue, turpis vel placerat lacinia, arcu massa ultrices magna, sed rutrum orci lorem eu mauris. Morbi ut laoreet quam, vitae tristique odio. Aliquam vestibulum ipsum nec arcu lacinia, eget elementum tortor tempus. Ut in nisl nec libero eleifend mollis vitae vitae nunc. Integer malesuada et libero ac elementum. Pellentesque lobortis sapien eu elit ornare pellentesque. In et molestie nunc. Vivamus placerat ex quis ullamcorper viverra.

Ut vel vestibulum est. Pellentesque tempus nibh eu dui volutpat condimentum. Nam sit amet nibh nec dolor imperdiet porttitor. Vestibulum id ligula non massa dignissim laoreet. Quisque volutpat tellus tempor lorem dictum, id viverra eros ultricies. Quisque nunc lacus, pretium eu lacus ut, ultrices viverra lorem. Proin elementum, ligula at sollicitudin volutpat, tortor tellus luctus est, et accumsan est justo at ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus a tortor eu neque ultrices condimentum nec sit amet neque. Morbi ultrices tristique velit. Cras vel felis ut velit tristique pellentesque et vitae purus. Morbi sit amet nunc commodo, convallis tortor nec, sagittis ligula. Maecenas scelerisque eget justo ac commodo. Maecenas consectetur orci non finibus sollicitudin. Aliquam id pulvinar felis, tempor placerat orci.

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Overview Features and options Specifications User statements
  • Remain mounted on the forklift truck so they are always available for the driver.,Lightweight construction that is extended easily to a variety of lengths.,Innovative outer forks which cannot catch tensioning straps.,Eliminate safety risks and inconveniences typically associated with loose KOOI® Fork Extensions (outer sleeves).,Closed locking slots protect the locking pin.,Fast extension in just one simple movement by moving a pin.,No hydraulic parts.,Low maintenance costs.,No loose parts.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac pellentesque ante, vitae dignissim est. Nullam porttitor, dui vel ornare mollis, ex ipsum ultrices lorem, in tempor mi quam a nibh. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum gravida malesuada odio. Morbi libero urna, malesuada et faucibus vitae, semper non nisi. Maecenas sit amet sapien sit amet tortor aliquet fringilla ut vitae arcu. Mauris id elit tortor. Phasellus pellentesque orci nec molestie tristique. Nulla faucibus sem nec finibus faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Suspendisse et purus ultrices, auctor tellus scelerisque, hendrerit arcu. Vestibulum elementum enim urna, id porttitor ex faucibus nec. Nulla a eros vitae ligula mollis congue rhoncus vel velit. Donec et mauris orci. Ut sit amet dapibus leo, quis bibendum elit. Maecenas at dapibus velit, sit amet dictum ipsum. Suspendisse ac arcu fringilla nisl lobortis pellentesque quis in urna. Etiam tempus, quam ut placerat ullamcorper, mi lacus tempor justo, a sagittis ante dolor et enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in magna porta, faucibus quam et, luctus nunc. Sed massa sem, imperdiet vitae libero in, auctor posuere odio. Nam suscipit ut nibh et congue. Morbi massa leo, bibendum ac hendrerit at, luctus in arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac pellentesque ante, vitae dignissim est. Nullam porttitor, dui vel ornare mollis, ex ipsum ultrices lorem, in tempor mi quam a nibh. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum gravida malesuada odio. Morbi libero urna, malesuada et faucibus vitae, semper non nisi. Maecenas sit amet sapien sit amet tortor aliquet fringilla ut vitae arcu. Mauris id elit tortor. Phasellus pellentesque orci nec molestie tristique. Nulla faucibus sem nec finibus faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Suspendisse et purus ultrices, auctor tellus scelerisque, hendrerit arcu. Vestibulum elementum enim urna, id porttitor ex faucibus nec. Nulla a eros vitae ligula mollis congue rhoncus vel velit. Donec et mauris orci. Ut sit amet dapibus leo, quis bibendum elit. Maecenas at dapibus velit, sit amet dictum ipsum. Suspendisse ac arcu fringilla nisl lobortis pellentesque quis in urna. Etiam tempus, quam ut placerat ullamcorper, mi lacus tempor justo, a sagittis ante dolor et enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in magna porta, faucibus quam et, luctus nunc. Sed massa sem, imperdiet vitae libero in, auctor posuere odio. Nam suscipit ut nibh et congue. Morbi massa leo, bibendum ac hendrerit at, luctus in arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac pellentesque ante, vitae dignissim est. Nullam porttitor, dui vel ornare mollis, ex ipsum ultrices lorem, in tempor mi quam a nibh. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum gravida malesuada odio. Morbi libero urna, malesuada et faucibus vitae, semper non nisi. Maecenas sit amet sapien sit amet tortor aliquet fringilla ut vitae arcu. Mauris id elit tortor. Phasellus pellentesque orci nec molestie tristique. Nulla faucibus sem nec finibus faucibus. Nulla facilisi.

Suspendisse et purus ultrices, auctor tellus scelerisque, hendrerit arcu. Vestibulum elementum enim urna, id porttitor ex faucibus nec. Nulla a eros vitae ligula mollis congue rhoncus vel velit. Donec et mauris orci. Ut sit amet dapibus leo, quis bibendum elit. Maecenas at dapibus velit, sit amet dictum ipsum. Suspendisse ac arcu fringilla nisl lobortis pellentesque quis in urna. Etiam tempus, quam ut placerat ullamcorper, mi lacus tempor justo, a sagittis ante dolor et enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in magna porta, faucibus quam et, luctus nunc. Sed massa sem, imperdiet vitae libero in, auctor posuere odio. Nam suscipit ut nibh et congue. Morbi massa leo, bibendum ac hendrerit at, luctus in arcu.

The advantages of our manual telescopic forks

Advantage lorem ipsum

Single-sided loading and unloading keeps the forklift more visible and reduces the risk of accidents. This is because the forklift driver does not have to go around the truck as often, reducing the risk of collisions. This greatly improves safety because the forklift cannot suddenly appear from behind the truck, preventing damage from other forklifts and or even injury to passersby.

Advantage lorem ipsum

Single-sided loading and unloading can save time because the forklift has to travel less distance around the truck. This reduces overall loading and unloading time by 30%. This reduction in time is equivalent to loading and or unloading at least one additional trailer combination per hour. In this calculation, one pallet is loaded or unloaded at a time. When lifting two pallets simultaneously (dual pallet handing), we can have as many as five additional trailer trucks per hour.

The truck driver will also experience the benefit of ReachForks because the truck will not have to wait as long. In addition, he only has to open one curtain and also significantly fewer beams to remove. These operations are physically less stressful.

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Advantage lorem ipsum

When loading and unloading on one side, the truck can be parked closer to the loading or unloading area, allowing more efficient use of available space. If we assume a truck/trailer combination, the savings in space is easily 50 to 60 square meters. Square meters are expensive because this space can be used for parking another truck combination or for storing pallets, for example.

Cut internal transport costs up to
Save time within transport up to
Save valuable space up to

Specifications sheet

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ROI calculation

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Frequently asked questions about manual extendable forklift forks

Is a heavier forklift needed for one-sided loading and unloading?

For putting pallets away, directly on the other side of the truck, a heavier forklift is necessary because the load is moving away from the forklift. This will move the load center of gravity further away from the forklift and will require more counterweight to rebalance. Your forklift supplier can give you more information on this.

Does the cost of a heavier lift truck outweigh the cost of a standard lift truck when loading and unloading on one side?

A practical test has shown that when loading – (un) loading from both sides on one side, 3.4 trailers with 33 pallets can be handled in an hour while using hydraulically extendable forklifts, 4.8 trailers can be handled. This is an improvement of ± 41%. Because the driver finishes his work faster (saving costs) and or more pallets can be handled, the ROI is an average of one year.

What are KOOI® ReachForks?

KOOI® ReachForks are extendable forklift attachments designed to extend your forklift reach, enabling easier and more efficient loading and unloading of trucks. The KOOI® ReachForks are developed in 1980 by Meijer Handling Solutions and can be manual and hydraulic.

Can KOOI® ReachForks handle different pallet sizes?

Yes, they are adjustable and can accommodate various pallet sizes and configurations.

How much faster are hydraulic ReachForks in loading and unloading trucks?

Studies and reports indicate that the use of KOOI® ReachForks can improve efficiency by up to ± 40%. This increase in efficiency is due to the ability to handle different pallet sizes quickly and the capability to load and unload from one side of the truck, minimizing the need for repositioning.

Are KOOI® ReachForks compatible with all forklifts?

They are compatible with most standard forklifts, but checking compatibility with your specific model is essential.

How do you operate KOOI® ReachForks?

They are hydraulically controlled and operated from the forklift cabin, allowing precise control over the extension and retraction.

Can KOOI® ReachForks handle heavy loads?

Yes, they are designed to lift and transport heavy loads, but it’s important to adhere to the specificed weight limits for your model. Capacities up to 30.000 kg/lc 600 mm (13.636lbs/24″) are possible.

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What works for you?

Use the KOOI® Configurator

Lorem ipsum Meijer Handling Solutions logistics products increase the ease of deployment and application of logistics/transportation resources, such as forklift trucks and their variants. Ideally, these products are unique to the market and for now, this is temporary lorem ipsum lorem ipsum text.

Product Configurator
Customers can tell

“The switch made immediate impact on the whole chain”

Lorem ipsum met KOOI® Hydraulic Reachforks
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Customers can tell

“The switch made immediate impact on the whole chain”

Lorem ipsum met KOOI® Hydraulic Reachforks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ulamco laboris. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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