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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
KOOI® ReachForks: Revolutionizing Production With Robotization

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100.000th set of KOOI® ReachForks produced

With the production of the ????????????,???????????????????? ???????????? ???????? ????????????????®???????????????????????????????????????? this year, the annual volumes have naturally increased every year as well, and in order to meet the demand, a high degree of automation is taking place. At the sister company Meijer-Metal, the outer sleeves for the telescopic forks, among other things, are produced. From the moment they are bent into shape, the semi-finished products are transported via AGV to one of the four welding robots. After the outer sleeves are welded, they are transported to a buffer location in a fully automated way and dispatched to the assembly department of the ReachForks when needed. With this degree of automation, the production of the KOOI®ReachForks is prevented from stagnating due to personnel failures or shortages, and the welding quality always remains constant. The following investment has already been made: robotized press brakes that will bend lasered output from the outer sleeves in a fully automated manner.

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