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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Stepping Towards Further Growth with the Expansion of the Sales Team

Stepping Towards Further Growth with the Expansion of the Sales Team

This week, Meijer Handling Solutions had the privilege of hosting a delegation from Griptech Attachments, camera and weighing systems our esteemed importer for the KOOI® ReachForks in various countries including Benelux, Germany, and France. Griptech not only imports the KOOI® forks but also manufactures forklift attachments and weighing systems. As the market share for these three product groups continues to expand, it becomes imperative for the sales organization to grow alongside it. The newly onboarded team members at Griptech have successfully completed a comprehensive product training course at Meijer Handling Solutions B.V. , and we extend our best wishes for their future success in sales.


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