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Meijer Group Meijer Metal Meijer Handling Solutions
Automation and Robotization of Forklift Pantograph Welding

Automation and Robotization of Forklift Pantograph Welding

At the ???????????????????????? ????????????????????, we don’t just manufacture ????????????????® ????????????????????????????????????????, but we also specialize in custom ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????. To meet the growing demand, we’ve invested in cutting-edge laser robots for the efficient welding of auxiliary masts. Additionally, the ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????.

To further optimize the production process, we’ve implemented ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? (????????????????) ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????-???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????. These AGVs can transport the processed parts to buffer locations or even other sites, if needed. We’re thrilled about these automated and robotic solutions that enable us to produce more efficiently and provide even better service to our customers.

The Meijer Group comprises Meijer Metal and Meijer Handling Solutions B.V.

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