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Strategic shift in forklift attachment market. Cascade Brasil replaces AHM Solution do Brasil as Meijer’s Brazilian importer.

Strategic shift in forklift attachment market. Cascade Brasil replaces AHM Solution do Brasil as Meijer’s Brazilian importer.

Cascade Brasil has become the ???????????? ???????????????????????? ???????? ????????????????® ????????????????????????????????????, succeeding AHM Solution. Founded in 2001, AHM Solution aimed to help companies manage sensitive products safely and efficiently. As a consulting firm and provider of innovative solutions, AHM Solution has been addressing major logistical challenges, such as enhancing operational productivity while minimizing accident and malfunction risks.

After nearly 15 years of partnership, Meijer Handling Solutions, the inventor of KOOI®ReachForks, has transitioned from its Brazilian importer, AHM Solution. This change allows AHM Solution to concentrate on its primary services, while Meijer partners with Cascade Brasil, a company specializing in forklift attachments.

Cascade Corporation and Meijer Handling Solutions have an established partnership in North America, jointly representing Meijer’s products like the well-known extendable forklift fork, the KOOI® ReachForks.

The transition is marked with gratitude to AHM Solution and its customers for their longstanding trust. Confidence is high in Mr. Carlo Dessimoni (General Manager Cascade-Brasil) and his team as they embark on a new journey with high-quality products from both Cascade and Meijer Handling Solutions B.V.


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